

The Board Acceleration Path

Every Board experiences threats, unforeseen opportunities, delays and acceleration on its path. These and other elements of discontinuity form the horizon of every new business challenge.
Technical competencies are no lo longer enough. Systemic charisma is crucial for a Board to provide real leadership for an entire organisation. And that’s what the “Board Acceleration Path” is focused on achieving. Through a programme founded on a long-term vision that implements a planned series of actions over several years. Including initiatives focused on the Board’s decision-making speed, with a view not just to achieving time savings, but time efficiency. Paying constant attention to governance dynamics both within the Board and within the organisation’s Teams.

The areas of intervention are decided following diagnosis of the organisation’s dynamics, and having identified its development assets and goals, along with the behaviours that need to be deployed to achieve them. To evolve the board from the sum of its talents to systemic leadership. The only leadership able to bring an organisation a prospective vision and create lasting value.

Board Dynamics Acceleration
A programme to develop long-term vision while simultaneously focusing on the Board’s decision-making speed: “The Board Acceleration Path”
Board Successful Succession
A programme that supports the Board in identifying, involving, motivating and training its strategic talent for the organisation of the future: “From Succession to Success”
CEO and C-Level Leadership
A programme for transitioning the leadership to a new horizon that requires more prospective vision and more rigorous engagement: “The Leader’s ship”


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